I can't even say how happy I am to be having another boy! And we found out in a very funny way!

So.... I had my ultrasound appointment at 10:30 yesterday morning and Bryce had school. We had talked about it and decided to have the ultrasound tech write the gender on a piece of paper and we would open it together when he got home from school.

When I told the ultrasound techs working yesterday, they didn't trust me to not look at the slip of paper... So she wrote it on a post it, folded it in half (even squiggled on each side so it couldn't be read) and slipped in inside of an envelope. When I showed the doctor the envelope, she proceeded to write "confidential" on the seal so Bryce would know, for sure, that I had not opened it! Everyone in the office thought it was fun that I was waiting to find out with him.

FA 100. This is a class Bryce is taking this semester that requires you to attend events on campus (plays, symphonies, etc...) last night he had Extravadance to attend and that would mean him getting home at 9:30!! I did not want to wait that long to find out the gender. So I bought a ticket, drove to Rexburg, and we opened the envelope together... sitting in the Kirkham.... waiting for Extravadance to start.... at 7:30 :D (Extravadance was amazing as usual!)


  1. Congrats on the big news!! That is fun that you opened the envelope together to find out at the same time!! :)

  2. Congrats! I don't think I could've waited that long either. jealous about extravadance too, sounds fun!

  3. Bryce told me this story today and was so impressed with your patience! How fun and exciting! Woot woot!


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