
Debates make me laugh.

Honestly, I think they are pointless. They make everyone look immature and just turns into finger pointing.

Everyone has their own opinions about how the country should be run, which is why different people run for president. We will never completely agree, ever, and that is a fact.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having differing opinions. It is part of living in this country that we can all have those opinions and not be treated differently because we feel the way we do. I don't understand why people feel that they can discriminate against a person because they feel the way that they do.

Your opinion is just that... yours. You don't have to convince others that you are the one who is right. You can share your opinion and not have to have everyone agree with you. I think this country and its people would be so much happier if we all just gave up the need to be right all the time. I am just grateful that I live in a country that allows us to live with different opinions. There are many countries that are not so gracious.

Vote for who you are going to vote for and don't hate someone just because they vote for someone else. The person you vote for might not get elected, boo hoo. I would say that most if not all the people who run for president do so because they feel like they can do something. Their intentions are good, and they have no idea what it is really like and what they can really do until they get into office. It is the hardest job and thank goodness someone wants to do it.


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