What a wonderful day!
I was reading a talk today, for the R.S. Lesson, called "Seeking to know God, Our heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ" By Elder Robert D. Hales, and some things hit em pretty hard... Just thought I would share them.
"Belief in God is widely questioned and even attacked in the name of political, social, and even religious causes.... Even so, as members of the restored Church of Jesus Christ, we declare that 'we believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost."
"Some wonder, why belief in God is so important? ... Without God, life would end at the grave and our mortal experiences would have no purpose. Growth and progress would be temporary, accomplishment without value, challenges without meaning. There would be no ultimate right and wrong and no moral responsibility to care for one another as fellow children of God."
"We know that [God] lives because we believe that testimonies of His ancient and living prophets, and we have felt God's Spirit confirm that the testimonies of these prophets are true."
I loved to read the powerful words of Elder Hales! And I loved that he pointed out the 11th article of faith... that "we claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may." It is important to remember that there are many people who do not have the same beliefs and that is awesome! I don't base my friendships upon who believes what, because some of my greatest friends do not believe what I do. And that is the greatest part of life, getting to know many people and creating lasting relationships with them!
My testimony has brought me the greatest happiness in my life. As Elder Hales said "Your personal knowledge of God... will bring you the greatest joy you will ever have." I am the person I am today because of what I know. I know that God lives! I know that Jesus Christ is His Son, and preformed an Atonement for all of our sins and griefs. I have received help and strength from Him in my greatest times of need. They live! They love every single person that has ever lived or will ever live on this earth. And one day, I hope to be able to live with Them again!
** The picture is one of my favorites. "The Lord is my shepherd" He loves and seeks all His sheep! :D
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