9 Months!!!

I was so excited to take Aaron to the doctor yesterday, not only because we get to find out how much he has grown, but also because he wasn't getting any shots!! (A good trip for both of us!!! haha) So here are his stats:

Height: 29" - 90th Percentile
Weight: 16 lbs 13 oz - 10th Percentile
Head Circumference: 18" - Between 50th and 75th Percentile

He jumped up in his height percentile but the other two are exactly the same. The doctor also pointed out to me the 2 teeth coming up on his bottom jaw. One of them is a little higher than the other but they are hard to look at (Aaron does not enjoy the invasion of his mouth much!).

It was so nice to talk to the doctor. I totally ignore all the milestones for his age because most babies progress in different things at different times. Aaron has been army crawling (mostly backwards) for a long time now and I am just perfectly fine with it!!! I can still leave him in a room and not worry about gating him in or anything. He will crawl-crawl whenever he decides to. The doctor told me that MOST babies at 9 months are just learning to sit upright steadily and he has been doing that for a while now. He is very strong and has all the strength he needs he just has a will of his own.

One way that he likes to show his will is waking up in the middle of the night. Now he does sleep through the night for a baby (which is 5-6 hours, not the 8-9 that we sleep) and then wakes up a couple of times after that. He is a screamer. I think he has bad dreams by how he wakes up, but the only way to calm him down is to feed him. If I don't, and try to rock him to sleep (which takes about an hour), he will wake up an hour later... so I feed him!! The doctor suggested that I give him formula at night instead. I tried it last night and he fought me but eventually gave in to eating the bottle. I am thinking if this works I can use formula for a while and then switch to water and eventually just get him to drink from his cup.

He is seriously the most entertaining little kid and I feel that it is a total blessing to hang out with him all day. Here are some new-er things that he does:

1. Waves
2. Says "mama" but non specifically
3. Eats A TON! I am always shocked at how much food he can eat in a day... He loves the little puffs, graham crackers, baby food meat, and yogurt.
4. Moves toys back and forth between hands
5. Army crawling. Sometimes he will even get up on his hands and toes, in a full plank position, this makes me laugh.
6. Puts everything in his mouth. He has been doing this for a while, the fun thing is that I can feel his teeth when he puts my finger in his mouth.
7. The "victory" stance (as Bryce likes to call it) He will take an object and hold it up in the air and twist it in his hand. Bryce says "Victory! Victory" when he does it :D
8. He LOVES LOVES LOVES to look at himself in the mirror. This is another thing he has been doing for a while however, it has been getting more intense recently. He will laugh and talk to himself now.
9. He also loves the grass. It has been warm out so I will take him outside and put him on a blanket. He always finds a way to get off the blanket and be right on the grass, and tries to eat it.
10. Tries to feed himself. I don't let him do this as much as I should with his baby food (he can feed himself puffs and graham crackers very well) because he always makes a mess but he desperately tries to put the food in his mouth with the spoon.


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