Ok, I kind of get it...

LOTS of pics today! Enjoy!

So, I have been pretty upset recently because 3 of the shows that I watch haven't been on. Sadly I just made the connection that 2 of them weren't on because of the Olympics. *Note: I watch everything online because we don't have "regular" TV, just a TV that we watch movies on. * They are both on NBC on thursday nights, makes sense to not play them. But the other show is on ABC on Wednesday nights, and it isn't returning until NEXT week, when the NBC shows are playing tonight. Odd? I think so.... My conclusion.... TV shows on hiatus stink.

I know that all of this seems like an odd thing to care about,but if you were in Rexburg from 7:30 until about 4 or 5 every day, and you were only taking 3 classes, you would want something to do. It's too loud everywhere to read a book (I have to have complete silence to read, just how I am) and so I could aimlessly search the internet and be bored, like the baby, or I could watch something.

I must also include in here my love of Hulu! Thank you NBC and FOX for being smart enough
to come together and make a website where quality isn't an issue and you only watch a
few commercials. It helps with down time from studying Neurobiology, the most brain sucking class I have ever taken. Interesting, but a mind blowing amount of info. Thanks Hulu for keeping me sane :D


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